Monday, March 30, 2009


I have never really been a fan of yogurt. It's the texture! Grosses me out. I used to have to take Fat Free Cool Whip and mix it in with the yogurt to change the texture of it so I could choke it down. I am actually now getting to the point I can eat this yogurt...the Yoplait Light by itself. (I'm growing up.)

If you are not a fan of yogurt or don't eat one a day I want you to join me in taking the Yo-Yo-Yogurt Challenge! Find a low fat yogurt and eat one per day for 30 days. Yogurt has great health benefits. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin B 12. When yogurt is compared to milk, yogurt contains more calcium and protein because of the added cultures in the yogurt. Yogurt can also be known to burn stomach fat. After two babies, I can use all the stomach fat burning tricks I can find! SO.....lets get our yogurt in!

Yo-Yo-Yogurt Challenge starts on April 1st. ('s not a April Fools joke people!) Let me know if you're gonna try it!


  1. i'll try it! if i skip a day, can i eat 2 the next?

  2. I'll do it! I love yogurt...thanks for the challenge!


Thanks for weighing in!!