Friday, February 27, 2009

This Ain't My First Rodeo

I mentioned that I had joined Weight Watchers AGAIN in my post yesterday. When I say again, I mean that I have joined WW a total of..........EIGHT TIMES!


That was hard to type.

I am slightly encouraged by reading success stories of people who joined WW MANY, MANY times and finally got to goal. That WILL be just wait and see.
I get it now though. I think it finally clicked when I joined after I was married. My dear friend SB talked to me and we joined together. We did great! We both lost weight together and then both found out we were pregnant. At that point I knew I could do this, and I knew I WOULD do it forever. The way I see it is that everyone has to do something, and I am going to have to count points. That's pretty easy...I can do that!

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Thanks for weighing in!!